While searching for different weight loss diets, you might have come across the book called “Healthy diet and lifestyle” which is written by Bob Greene. This diet plan has helped many people in reducing their body weight. Here is some more information about different aspects of this diet plan.
Basics of Best life diet
This diet routine aims at guiding people to develop eating habits which are healthy along with making certain changes in lifestyle for achieving weight loss results. This diet helps people in maintaining normal body weight. There are 3 phases of this diet routine.
First phase, at least 4 weeks
The aim of this phase is to get people indulged in more physical activities and accept the healthy meal patterns. Three meals are consumed each day in this phase and people need to drink as much water as they can drink. Alcohol consumption is restricted. After 4 weeks, you would be free of some of pounds. However, if you are not then you need to stretch this phase.

Second phase, at least 4 weeks
This phase aims at weight reduction by making changes in diet and controlling hunger. Various reasons for hunger are understood and dealt with in this phase. There should be more physical activity in this phase. Six problem foods are recognized and taken out from the meal plan in this phase. After 4 weeks, if your weight is near to how much body weight you wish to maintain then move on to the next phase.
Third phase, lifetime lifestyle
In this phase, you need to increase the quality of your diet so that you can keep on losing weight and maintain weight loss results. You should check your weight for once every week. Foods which are not healthy should be removed from the diet.
There are many advantages of the best life diet plan. This book offers detailed meal plans for those people who wish to lose weight. There are a total of 75 pages for recipes in this book. The best thing about this diet plan is that it is not very restrictive and deals with weight loss in a logical manner. Physical activity is increased in this diet for burning more calories in the body. This diet has no side effects associated with it. You can trust it for losing your weight.
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