Best Lunch Habits To Lose Ten Pounds

Make high-calorie lunches a thing of the past with these tips.

If you are looking to quickly lose stubborn weight, it may be time to rethink your lunch strategy. While many people consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day, lunch gives you the energy to finish the job, stay at 3 p.m. craving for sugar at bay, and maybe power through a night workout. However, not all midday meals are the same, and if weight loss is your priority, making the right decisions is essential.

If you are not sure what to eat or how to structure your lunch hour, you are lucky. We have gathered some expert-approved advice and science-backed advice that will help guide you on the right path. With these two and what not to do, you will have all the information you need to transform your lunch hour into a midday refueling session that burns fat and is rich in nutrients.

Make sure your breakfast is equally favorable for weight loss by adopting the 13 best breakfast habits to lose 10 pounds.

1. Repurpose What You Have


Your favorite healthy dinner recipe can easily become tomorrow's lunchtime meal. "If I give a brown bag, I will often take the leftovers I have from last night and wrap them on a bed of vegetables (I buy organic spinach or arugula in a box, it's easy, fast and washed!", Amy Shapiro, RD, CDN of RealNutritionNYC, explains in What 11 Diet Experts Eat for Lunch.

2 Get Social


Using your lunch time to make new friends will not only help your social life; You can also increase your efforts to lose weight. A study published in Physiology and Behavior shows that while socializing during a meal can cause an increase in food consumption, eating with strangers does not. Take this research as a sign that it is time to separate from your standard lunch team and catch up with some co-workers with whom you are less familiar.

3 Choose Green Tea


If you think Coca-Cola combines perfectly with your salad or sandwich, think again. Instead of adding many empty calories and sugar, combine your healthy lunch with a drink that is equally beneficial. In 18 lunch rituals to help you lose weight, we name green tea as an excellent weight loss drink, thanks to its catechins and caffeine that stimulate metabolism, which will act as the perfect stimulus for noon.

4 But First…Salad


Starting your meal with a salad will add fiber and antioxidants to your diet and decrease your total calorie intake, according to a study published in the Appetite magazine. Research shows that subjects who ate salad before their main course consumed fewer calories than those who enjoyed their vegetables with their food. The first group of salads also drank more water, a great advantage given the potential acceleration of H2O metabolism.
Skeptical of the ability to burn calories from water? See why we name hydration as one of the 55 best ways to increase your metabolism.

5 Mix it Up


You will surely get tired of your healthy food, sooner or later. Instead of fighting to fight craving for midday burgers, keep in mind some creative ideas for dinner. If you are putting aside appetizing recipes, check out our list of 30 ideas for healthy lunches that are not salads.

6 Brunch Redefined


You can think of brunch as a matter of just a weekend, but there's no reason why you can't enjoy some healthy breakfasts in the afternoon. In fact, Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, shared in What 11 Diet Experts Eat for Lunch that her favorite midday meal is a vegetable omelette with a salad. Some of his favorite vegetables to throw are mushrooms, spinach and onions.

7 Don't Under Eat


Yes, maintaining a calorie deficit will lead to weight loss, but skimping at lunch will not do your diet any favors. A satiating half-day meal will help you get through the rest of the day and resist cravings, so don't be afraid to eat a full and balanced meal. "Include adequate protein and healthy fats such as nuts or avocado to increase satiety," Moore advises. "Instead of a vegetable salad, try a salad bed with grilled salmon, peas and nuts for the crunch and an olive oil vinaigrette for a more satisfying meal," he recommends.

8 Nix Liquid Lunches


Mixed drinks, such as protein shakes, can be a healthy way to accumulate nutrients, but they won't fill you up in the same way as a proper meal. "Skip the smoothie shop," Moore warns, because drinking your food won't keep you so satisfied. "That feeling of emptiness can take you back to the vending machine," he warns.

9 Go on (Healthy) Autopilot


If going home and cooking a nutritious lunch is impossible for you, you are not alone. Instead of throwing in the towel and ordering something decadent, have a plan for what you will eat once noon arrives. "Having a healthy lunch in the fridge or identifying your favorite restaurant for healthy meals can help you achieve your goals," according to Moore. She recommends filling half of her plate or bowl with vegetables and completing her meal with protein, healthy carbohydrates and a drizzle of heart-healthy fat.

10 Say No to a Carb-Fest


A pasta feast will not only harm your diet efforts; It can also damage your productivity for the rest of the day. Shapiro warns that a high carb meal will make you feel slow and ready for a nap. "Eat until you are satisfied, NOT full," Shapiro recommends, so you can avoid that sense of eating coma and stay productive throughout the afternoon.

11 Pile on the Protein


Protein is essential if you are looking for a lunch with a serious satiating power. Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, recognizes that macronutrient helps people stay full longer, but understands that chicken breasts can get bored quickly. Rizzo, on the other hand, favors chickpeas, lentils and dried peas, because their combination of protein and fiber is more effective when it comes to placating hunger. Some of your favorite high-protein options include lentil soup, bean and vegetable salad with chickpeas on top.

12 Up Your Veggie Intake


"You can't go wrong adding more vegetables to your food," according to Rizzo. She explains that fresh products are loaded with water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all for very few calories. Rizzo recommends throwing a handful of spinach in your smoothies, adding one or two additional vegetables to your salad and eating soups made with green leafy vegetables and products. "Try adding an additional portion of vegetables to your lunch, and your waist will thank you," he summarizes.

13 Go Meatless


While meat is high in protein, it is often a high-calorie option. Challenging yourself not to eat meat at lunch once in a while will help you reduce calories and add more vegetables to your diet. Rizzo encourages its customers to adopt "Monday without meat" and eat midday meals where products and beans occupy a central place. Talk about a friendly way to lose weight to start your week!

14 Opt for whole grains


The difference between wheat and white goes far beyond the color of bread. "It is surprising the great difference that it can have in your weight to exchange whole grains for refined grains," explains Rizzo. Complex carbohydrates have more protein and fiber, two nutrients that are key to feeling full for longer. "That fullness will help prevent snacks in the afternoon, where you are likely to look for something unhealthy," concludes Rizzo.

15 Snacks are not the enemy


While attacking the candy bar in the office at 3 p.m. It can damage your diet, a balanced snack in the afternoon will not do any harm. In fact, Shapiro recommends a snack to help avoid overeating at lunch and dinner. If you need some healthy snack ideas, check out our list of The 50 Best Weight Loss Snacks.

16 You Can Cheat Occasionally


Even the most dedicated diet and nutrition experts advocate wasting from time to time. Leah Kaufman, RD, explains that planning occasional cheat meals can help you stay on track for the rest of the week. If you want to enjoy Friday afternoon a little, try to have your lunches as healthy and full of vegetables as possible.

17 Don't Make Decisions on an Empty Stomach


It is much harder to choose foods responsibly when you starve to death. Instead of waiting until the absolute last minute to have lunch and eat everything in sight, Kaufman recommends eating every four to five hours. Regular meals and snacks will help keep blood sugar and food cravings under control, so be sure to have lunch when you are hungry, not hungry.

18 Get Outside


It may not always be possible, but avoid staying indoors all day long whenever you can. Instead, take time to walk outside and get fresh air. Lauren Manganiello, MS, RD, CDN, explains that doing a little physical activity can help you relax and clear your mind. Since stress often leads to overeating, taking time to relax after a busy morning can help you consume fewer calories during the afternoon.

19 Step away from your desk


Even if you can't sneak off on a lunchtime hike, do your best to get away from your desk when you eat the afternoon meal. "When we eat at our desk, we are generally trying to perform multiple tasks, but this can lead to many distractions and meaningless eating," explains Manganiello. Instead, look away from your computer and focus on enjoying your food to make the most of your food.

20 Slow down


Your deadlines can wait. Do your mind and body a favor and don't rush to lunch to get back to work as quickly as possible. "When we eat in a hurry, we don't give our minds enough time to reach our bodies and we tend to overeat," says Manganiello. To avoid this, try to chew slowly and concentrate on trying all your food. It may sound silly, but eating slowly and consciously will help you feel more satisfied and avoid overeating.