Exercising when you are tired is such a drag. Those are the types of workouts when you check the clock every five minutes, hoping it is finally time to leave. Energetic and enjoyable workouts are so much better. Chances are, the only thing that changes between the two types of workouts is the amount of fuel your body has.
What you eat before a workout can make all the difference in the world! Putting food in your belly means you will have the stamina, endurance and enough fuel to power your performance.
However, if you are trying to lose weight, there are obvious restrictions on what you should and shouldn’t eat. You don’t want to completely negate all the hard work you are doing, but you don’t want to pass out on the treadmill either!
Check out these healthy eating tips. Fuel your body with the appropriate foods in regard to the applicable time of day.
Regardless of Time
No matter when you exercise, there are a few things to keep in mind. TheAmericanCollegeof Sports Medicine suggests you drink about 16 ounces of water two hours before a workout. Additionally, you should continue sipping water during and after the exercise regimen. Only switch from water to sports drinks if your workout will last more than an hour.
Also, be aware that everyone’s digestion is different. Experiment with a bit of trial and error to learn what food combination is best for you.
Bright and Early Exercise
Are you the type of person who enjoys working out first thing in the morning? Congratulations. You have way more motivation than some of the rest of us! To avoid feeling dizzy and hungry, nibble on something before you climb on the treadmill. Leave yourself enough time to digest your morning snack so you won’t suffer side cramps or nausea.
If you will be in full workout-mode within an hour of waking up, eat about 200-300 calories. Stay away from fats and proteins because those take more time to digest. Try a whole-grain bagel, a low-fat granola bar, a handful of raisins, or a banana. Or reach for a liquid meal – a sports drink or high-carb beverage.
Lunch Hour Routine
Not all of us are early-risers. Some of us prefer to squeeze our exercise routine into our work day. If you like to spend your lunch hour at the gym, make sure you get something to eat before you go.
About two hours before you hit the gym, grab a 300-400 calorie meal. Try to choose a combination of 60% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 20% fat. A serving of oatmeal with some fruit (dried or fresh) is a good option. Yogurt and granola is a healthy option too. If you need something quick and easy, you might prefer a meal replacement bar or shake.
Last Chance Workout
Are you a procrastinator? Do you wait until you are heading home from work to swing by the gym? This could be a dangerous time to exercise. After all, there are probably at least a few fast food joints that beckon to you while you drive. To avoid temptation and to ensure plenty of energy, eat a small, balance meal about two or three hours before you leave the office. Get about 400-500 calories from foods like cheese, crackers, cottage cheese, whole-grain breads, fruits or vegetables.
No matter what time of day you exercise, make sure you replace your fluids and nutrients after each workout too. Specialists haven’t established a hard and fast rule for post-exercise snacking; generally speaking, a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats is best.
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