Straightening Out Your Digestive System

If you have ever dealth with chronic constipation I don’t need to tell you how frustrated and comfortable it can make someone. Being constipated may be a great source of humor for your friends and family but it should not be taken lightly. Constipation is a nightmare for those that experience it often… and typically if you experience constipation often you have searched high and low looking for some way to relieve some of the pressure. Today we will be talking about different methods to help relieve constipation – permanently.

If you have taken to the internet in a search for constipation relief than you are likely willing to try anything. In order to completely rid your self of constipation for the remainder of your life you will need to make a few life style changes -

#1 – Dedicate 30 minutes a day to some sort of exercise! When you exercise daily you are helping to increase your metabolism which helps you digest food much quicker. Think of your body like an old car… When you start up a car that hasn’t been run in months the rust and old, unused oil, will cause havoc on the inner workings of the engine. The car runs inefficiently, much like your body when it’s not used often. Keep your body running efficiently and it will thank you with easier and more frequent trips to the bathroom.

#2 – Change up your diet! Cut out fast food entirely! This isn’t just for your digestive system but also for your entire body. Fast food is the worst thing you can put into your body. Try eating more vegetables daily… once you get accustomed to this change of lifestyle it becomes much easier and you actually completely stop craving fast food.

#3 – If you sit at work a lot, make sure to stretch often and walk around whenever possible. Lower back problems and bad sitting posture are key ingredients to the constipation recipe and can potentially have dire consequences for your spine. When you sit with bad posture for multiple hours a day your spine begins to pinch certain nerves. When this happens it can block out receptors going from your brain to your stomach that should be telling it, “it’s time to go!” Humans were not meant to sit all day.

#4 – Try squatting when you go to the bathroom… Research has shown that you can evacuate up to 40% more excrement when squatting over the toilet. It may sound funny if you are living in a developed country, but you should know that the toilet has only been around for a few hundred years… before that – EVERYONE squatted. Our bodies were meant to squat, not sit, while going to the bathroom.

It’s important that you take constipation seriously. Every day that you don’t go to the bathroom and evacuate your intestines there is more and more bacteria growing in your stomach. This bacteria multiplies exponentially every single day causing terrible gas pain and potent smells. With all that bacteria sitting in your stomach for all that time you increase the chances of getting sick as your immune system is slowly dwindled away. Constipation is an even more serious issue with older people. Older people (and even younger people in some situations) have been known to go so long without relieving themselves that they actually end up vomiting. Remember, it eventually has to come out somewhere even if it’s not your rear.